
I'm Dante.

I've been immersed in the world of photography for as long as I can remember. From the moment I held a phone with a camera, I knew that capturing moments was my true passion in life. There's something magical about freezing a fleeting instant in time and preserving its beauty forever.

In June 2022, I decided to break free from the constraints of a regular life that held me back from pursuing my dreams. That's when I embarked on a transformative journey into a world that had been eagerly awaiting Dante Charlton, The Photography Nomad.

From stone cities to big highways.

Born and raised in Trenton, NJ, I found a passion in photography and film. When I got my first iPhone 5s, I can remember it like yesterday just using that camera to the best of its capabilities to capture random straightaways in the woods and the angles of the tall brick buildings that surrounded me. My first time traveling alone I got to see a different world than the one I grew to know.

Packed my bags and made my way for TX home of honestly everything.

Your dreams in photo form.

I strive on getting the perfect photo. Whether that be the spot, the subject, or the purpose, nothing is off-limits. I want to get the photo that no one else has gotten before and all you have to do is have an image, a dream.

The Process

01. Connect

Share your story

Before every session, I like to have a call or a sit down with clients and plan out what we’re going to be shooting. I also use this time to get an idea of outfits you may wear.

02. Conceptualize

Developing Your Vision

After speaking to you, depending on which direction we go I’ll either: look at all of the studios that I trust that can achieve what you’re looking for. And if we’re outside, I’ll look for places that bring out the most of your photos.

03. Create

Bring it to life

My favorite part. The photo time. We’ll meet at our chosen location and start creating what we’ve planned. During this time, I’ll help pose and position to get the most optimal shot.


See your creation

After our shoot, I sit down and work on the photos that we shot. I try to keep everything on a set schedule and keep you updated with sneak peeks when available.


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